Max's Websites For Kids!!

9 years ago

By clicking on the links below, you are leaving the Columbia County Website.  We are not responsible for the contents of these websites.


Just Take 20 - Everyday Reading for Florida Families


Tools for Kids


Dictionary - - an online dictionary with simple definitions.


Maths Dictionary - an online math dicitonary; A Maths Dictionary for Kids is an animated, interactive online math dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language.


Math Sites


Count Us In

This is a wonderful site for teaching basic math concepts to younger children. These games require “shockwave” be installed,and can be downloaded in their entirety to your home computer in both "Windows" and "Mac" formats.


Kids Place Kidsplace: Math Games!

It provides practice on math skills.


Engage NY Homework Help


APlus Math 
These games are designed to help children of all ages with math concepts. This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively.


This site hosts a multitude of games designed to help students learn their multiplication facts.


Timez Attack is a stunning new video game exclusively for learning multiplication tables. It's as high-tech and entertaining as a top video game, yet as rigorous and effective as one-on-one training with a skilled teacher.


IXL Math 
Grade level help for all math concepts.


Online math activities to develop critical thinking in math.


Mathway Problem Solver 
Having a difficult tme solving a specific math problem? You can find help here.
Math skills practice


Math Activities
This site contains numerous interactive activities to help learning all aspects of math.


Reading and Spelling Sites 
This is the most magnificent and complete reading website I have ever used for new and emergent readers.  Pre-k thru low 3rd.  Awesome!


KidsPlace : Wacky Web Tales!

Kids Place Wacky Web Create a fun wacky story! Just put in a weird wacko- adjective, a few silly nouns, and prepare to LOL (Laugh out Loud). These change every so often, so keep checking back. This activity is very popular with my 4th and 5th grade students


Spin & Spell Game
This fun site helps students’ master 200 spelling words! Game Goo


Game Goo

This is a favorite among the students, with many fun games that teach reading and word skills.


 Professor Garfield's Learning Lab 
A great place for students to practice their reading skills. It also includes some activities for science.



This quality site from the "Reading is Fundamental" organization offers excellent opportunities for students. There are games, of course, but also an Activity Lab where students can obtain clip art for projects, and opportunities to illustrate a story, or enter stories they have written in competitions! There is even an online coloring book.



General Subjects


Stop Bullying Now! 
Website developed by the federal government to educate about bullying and how to stop it. This website has videos and activities designed for kids.


Scholastic Learning Site 
Online Activities and Interactive Learning Site


Kid's College
 A subscription site, your student should know their class code and password. It is fabulous practice for math and reading. (The site is closing, however, students should be able to use their Stride Academy logins for the site.)


Sharpen math and reading skills in preparation for the FCAT test, or just sharpen your skills at any time!—password required--


All subjects practice site.


Educational Web Adventures 
Online learning webquests.  
All subjects, all ages...all games!


Math and science games.



Games and activities for Pre-K and Kindergarten students


PBS Kids
Games for younger students.


Scholastic Computer Games
Pick a game on the wheel.


Scholastic Study Jams
Math and Science activities.


Scholastic's First Thanksgiving 
Virtual Tour of Thanksgiving


Bill Nye the Science Guy 
This is one fantastic site to use during science project time, to get information facts and ideas! 
A safe place to learn and play


Ben's Guide to Government for Kids 
This site is designed to educate kids and others about how our government works. It has a great puzzle of the United States. It will help learn where the states are located.


How Stuff Works 
Students find out how things work in the areas of computers, autos, electronics, science, home, entertainment, health, money, travel, and people


The Space Place 
At this award-winning site, a joint effort of NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and others, students can learn amazing facts about space, Earth, and technology, view animations that show how the world works, and participate in activities that teach them more about space.


Building Big 
This site brings bridges, skyscrapers, tunnels, and dams to the Internet for those who want to learn more about man-made giants that fill our communities. It features introductions to the engineering of structures, interactive engineering labs, building designs challenges, a databank of large structures, and interviews with engineers.


Expedition Hall 
Welcome to the interactive "museum" that takes you on geography journeys. Here students climb a mountain, hover over the Earth, speed across Europe, visit an archeological dig, and even order sushi—plus, games, animations, and more.


National Geographic for Kids
Explore our world.


Just For Fun


Dr. Seuss's Fabulous website


Keyboarding Skills 
Typing Fun Website


Typing Tutor 
A place to improve your typing skills.


Research Sites


Surfing the Net with Kids 
This site has many many links to children friendly sites, be it educational, or just plain fun. It is a sure bet that it is a safe page if you get to it from here. There is even a directory of kids games! One could spend a week on this site, and still not see it all!



Interactive Whiteboard Resources 
Fun activities in math and reading. However, a lot of the references are British.


Word Problem Practice 
A fabulous website to practice solving word problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and ratios.